The Student Magazine of Jakarta Intercultural School




Asian Staples (Made in China)

Asian Staples (Made in China)

Keylia W. and Maya S. May 30, 2024

Over the past decade, there has been a remarkable surge in the global popularity of various aspects of East Asian culture, particularly within Western media. These cultural exports have captivated international...

The Lies Behind the Likes

The Lies Behind the Likes

Ava N., Staff Writer May 30, 2024

When taking a glance at the world around us, we often overlook society’s tight grasp on their digital screens. Amidst the constant notification alerts and the endless Instagram reels, we fail to recognize...

Bringing It Home

Bringing It Home

Cahaya R., Editor in Chief May 28, 2024

For the Class of 2024, these next few months will shoulder an abundance of change. A number of us plan to study outside of Indonesia, the place where we have lived for at least a year of our lives—and...

From Stigma to the Spotlight?!

From Stigma to the Spotlight?!

Brooke A., Layout Editor March 10, 2024

Mental health struggles, once considered taboo, have become more socially accepted with each passing year. Today, phrases such as “my therapist says that” — would not incite a batted eye. Celebrating...

Situationship Chronicles

Situationship Chronicles

Ghassana A., Staff Writer March 10, 2024

The following fictitious storyline is based on testimonies of high school students:  Blair: So, how has school been treating you? Anything that’s piqued your interest so far, perhaps a subject or...

Designed to Divide

Designed to Divide

Maya S., Staff Writer March 9, 2024

Anti-homeless architecture is an urban design strategy intended to restrict those who are without homes from being able to obtain adequate shelter for rest. Amidst the current vast sprawl of cities in...

Superstars or Servants?

Superstars or Servants?

Nadya M., Staff Writer December 17, 2023

What constitutes an idol? Essentially, any and all notable individuals are profiles open to be worshiped. This includes those in office. In today’s social media-driven landscape, political candidates...

Service in Sincerity

Service in Sincerity

Hyowon K., Staff Writer December 16, 2023

A graduation requirement for high school students at JIS is to participate in service learning every year. While the Oxford Dictionary defines community service as “voluntary work intended to help people...

Enthusiastic Egotism

Enthusiastic Egotism

Kendra W., Media Manager December 16, 2023

Social media is a playground, a hub of communication that instantaneously connects people worldwide. Showcasing recent events, the news is spread overwhelmingly fast—propelling social issues to garner...

The Cost of Collagen

The Cost of Collagen

Brooke A., Layout Editor December 16, 2023

Collagen. The supplement has become prominent in the wellness space. Promising to reduce wrinkles, thicken hair, and ease aching joints with newfound strength and mobility. From a biological standpoint,...

Wrinkles Through Time

Wrinkles Through Time

Ghassana A., Staff Writer December 16, 2023

As a fifteen-year-old girl, I do not know what it feels like to have wrinkles on my face. Yet, based on the reactions of the older women surrounding me, I am supposed to hate them. If I smile too widely...

Inserting Inequalities

Inserting Inequalities

Dowon H., Staff Writer December 15, 2023

In contemporary society, the direct impact of parents’ wealth towards their children’s opportunities is undeniable. Wealthy parents can provide their children with high quality education, costly health...

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