As the school year ends and the long break approaches, some students prepare for summer school, while others prepare to enter college. Whatever it is, moving to a new community, environment, or climate...
Amidst the crowd of bejeweled, beaded, and slightly manic fans, I stood in disbelief. Dressed head to toe in purple sparkles, friendship bracelets weighing down my forearms, I was faced with the bustle...
Detective Conan is a Japanese mystery comic series that has gained a loyal following of fans all over the world. Readers follow the story of a high school detective who was shrunken by an experimental...
With summer impending, many of us may find ourselves searching for new restaurants to explore in Jakarta. So, in the forthcoming months, why not explore everyone’s favorite side dish: french fries! Not...
Indonesia is home to a mesmerizing craft that surpasses time and culture: batik. As part of the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity list, the Indonesian batik has been recognized internationally...
Indonesian cuisine features one of the most varieties of condiments. The spicy, sweet, tangy, and herbal sauces are essential to the food culture all around Indonesia. However, not all of them are produced...
The experience of going to a wedding is different for all its attendees. Still, one will always encounter the difficult situation of dreaded handshakes, kisses on the cheek, and lengthy discussions with...
For decades, women in horror films have been predominantly actresses cast as helpless victims. Female roles were confined to shrieking and fleeing from danger, their characters limited to nothing but the...
TikTok is home to thousands of ‘outfit-of-the-day’ videos, through which fashion trends are introduced and aesthetics are spread. Faux fur shoulder bags, cow print, and clay rings were once the season’s...
The point-and-shoot digital cameras of the early 2000s are making a comeback, especially among the young generation. But the question is why?
What is the explanation for these twenty-year-old digicams...
Ah, it is that special time of year when a nation comes together to celebrate, indulge, and avoid the topics of politics and Grandpa’s drinking problem. For Americans, these customs have become innate,...
The question, “Can we study after school together?” is commonly asked in conversations among JIS students. But often, when a friend’s house is unavailable or one finds themselves tired of...