Detective Conan is a Japanese mystery comic series that has gained a loyal following of fans all over the world. Readers follow the story of a high school detective who was shrunken by an experimental drug after trying to uncover an underground crime organization. Other than Conan’s crusade in fighting the syndicate, Detective Conan features a plethora of cases for readers to solve, ranging from closed-room murders to city-wide scavenger hunts.
In addition to the constantly changing character dynamics, clever deductions, and impeccable attention to detail, the series prides itself in its use of aspects previously unthinkable to be paired with a murder mystery. It also pushes the reader to use logic and think outside the box in order to solve the mystery, which might not be as easy as you would think. Here are a few cases of interest that highlight the brilliance of Detective Conan, which might persuade you to become a Conan fan!
The Moonlight Sonata Murders
(Chapters 62-67)
After a mysterious request to investigate a cold case, Conan ventures to a secluded island only to find out that the requester, a world-renowned pianist, has been dead for twelve years. As night sets in, a string of murders occurs throughout the island, with Beethoven’s infamous “Moonlight Sonata” present during each crime scene.
This case is an intriguing read for mystery fans, especially those who are melodically inclined, as it introduces a factor uncommon in murder mysteries: music.
The presence of the melody in this mystery prompts the reader to deduce why it persists to appear in every single murder and to question everything about the island. The addition of music in the case, as well as vivid descriptions of the crime scene and delicate storytelling, solidifies it as one of the most engaging and touching cases of the series.
The Trembling Police Headquarters: 12 Million Hostages
(Chapters 369-373)
Even as mistakes and grief from previous cases continue to haunt her, a police detective must come to terms with her troubled past as a recidivist serial bomber holds the entire Tokyo Metropolitan Area hostage. With the help of Conan, she must solve the culprit’s riddle, as the stakes include her endeared junior partner, the shrunken detective himself, and all of Tokyo.
In this particular case, the reader is brought to focus on an overlooked faction of the comic: the Tokyo police.
Oftentimes seen as mere assistants for Conan’s many shenanigans, the officers, forensic scientists, and inspectors have been underserved in the series. This intense standoff puts the spotlight back on the police, as the comic introduces many humanizing traits such as guilt, trauma, and love to the characters. Such aspects push the readers to sympathize and root for the police as they work around the clock to save Tokyo.
Holmes’s Revelation
(Chapters 743-752)
During a visit to London, Conan finds himself visiting the Sherlock Holmes Museum to fulfill his fascination for the fabled detective. However, Conan soon discovers about a massive terrorist attack on the city. Thus, the shrunken detective races against the clock in order to solve the perpetrator’s many riddles scattered around London, all of which relate to Sherlock Holmes.
In this case, Detective Conan pays homage to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and his work, Sherlock Holmes. Traversing the many spots in London that made an appearance in the novels, the mystery takes the reader to mark out potential cues and references to the Victorian detective.
While being a Sherlock Holmes enthusiast is a plus for this mystery, it is unnecessary since the reader gets to see a glimpse of Conan exhibiting his inner Sherlockian personality.
Such is the world of Detective Conan, where “one truth prevails!”